Famous places in the world,you don't know
Famous Places In The World
los angeles has littered the world. los angeles is a figment of its own thinking that is imaginative, but if you long to stand at the forefront of stars and breatheir air, you've arrived at the right place. Moonstruck and starlit, los angeles beguiles scores of hopeful starlets tourists and rock musicians daily.
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Chicago is a city that wears its heart on its sleeve. The town's diverse cultural mix has assembled a city with an unrivaled tradition of jazz and blues, an astonishing architecture, an appetite for hearty food, award winning newspapers, universities full of Nobel prizes and some of the very die hard sports fans you'll ever meet.
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Tokyo is the capital of Japan. At over 12 million people from the official metropolitan region alone, Tokyo shares boundaries with Chiba prefecture to the east across the Edogawa River, Yamanashi into the west across a mountain range, Kanagawa from south across the Tamagawa River, and Saitama from the north.
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London is the capital and biggest city of England and of the UK, And the biggest city in Western Europe. Located on the River Thames in South East England, Greater London has an official population of approximately 7.5 million individuals though the amount of over 14 million for the town's entire metropolitan region more correctly reflects London's size and significance.
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Milan, based in the northernmost Lombardy region, had an eclectic history of rulers because of its proximity to the rest of Europe and is therefore much more independently spirited also multicultural than the southern Italian peninsula.
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Hong Kong , Hong Kong is home into over 7 million individuals. It's a major trading and banking centre and has the most liberal economics on the planet. Hong Kong is also a great tourist place to go for there are lots of things to do and see. Beijing is the capital of the very populous country in the world, the People's China Republic. It had been also the seat of the Ming and Qing dynasty emperors till the formation of a republic in 1911.
Hong Kong |
Frankfurt, Germany enjoys the prestige of being known as a major business and economic hub not only for Germany, but for Europe as a whole. Frankfurt houses the second biggest commercial airport in Europe also is a major hub to train rails.
Frankfurt |
Las Vegas Compared with some other rails of the West, Las Vegas is a relatively latest arrival. It had been founded in 1905, and for several years it was just a small settlement in the center of the desert.
Las Vegas |
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is - with 2.2 million individuals living in zone 1 and another 9.9 million individuals in the suburbs - among the biggest cities in Europe.
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