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What Would Happen If Earth Fell Into A BLACK HOLE?

What Might Occur If Earth Fell Into A Dark hole?

dark openings are still to some degree a riddle to us anyway that may not generally be the situation what we can be sure of is that they're truly startling and our universe alone is thought to contain at least a hundred million of them yes 100 million.
in this article, I'm asking what would happen if earth fell into a black hole black holes are wandering around our cosmic hood their gravity is so dense that they're not stuck in orbit of other objects they also don't admit any light or radiation so you can't see them making it hard to know exactly where they are we can, however, see the effect of the hole on nearby matter unless there is a lot of nearby matter that holes can sneak around undetected there are two types of black holes 
What Would Happen If Earth Fell Into A BLACK HOLE?
What Would Happen If Earth Fell Into A BLACK HOLE?
supermassive black holes which are at the heart of every galaxy and stellar-mass black holes which are the ones that can really creep up on you the nearest stellar-mass black hole we know of is thought to be just under 3,000 light-years away and is about nine times the mass of our Sun.

so what is a black hole exactly and why would it matter if we got too close to one while there is no doubt that we have a lot left to learn about there black holes are very very dense they're so heavy that they start to bend space and time inwards obviously if they're able to bend space black holes are denser than our Sun which means if one came close to the earth the gravitational pull of our solar system would shift this would mean planets would be torn from orbit and likely smash into one another if we were able to avoid any planet smashing we would quickly discover the earth has become a dartboard for asteroids orbit too has much much smaller rocks there would be easily torn from their current paths and heard towards earth this would not be ideal as this could cause widespread death and destruction and possibly a number of fires if we by some chance managed to survive that the next part would actually end humanity altogether as we're drawn closer to the black hole our atmosphere would be torn away and in than parts of the planet would break up itself also the radiation created from all the other broken apart materials from other planets and cosmic junk would be very very intense we might be dead.
What Would Happen If Earth Fell Into A BLACK HOLE?
but what happens then what happens when we cross the event horizon and start traveling inside that hole well honestly we don't really know but there are some key theories out there the first is of spaghettification some scientists think that at the bottom of a black hole is one point of singularity our earth would be broken apart molecule by molecule in a funnel effect leaving down to this very dense point of singularity we would be stretched out like spaghetti so thin that we would exist Atem on top of atom there are other theories that black holes aren't actually black holes.

but doors to the other side of the universe I don't want to mind boggle you but as black holes already bends time and space many think that they fold time and space and the matter comes out the other end and expands outwards like a big bang we know that our universe is expanding we can see it we know that it started in a very hot dense place and exploded outwards could we have come out of a black hole another theory is that if earth fell into a black hole we actually wouldn't even notice some scientists believe that instead of being destroyed any material that touches a black hole turns into a near-perfect hologram.
What Would Happen If Earth Fell Into A BLACK HOLE?
so far as we're aware and can hypothesize the only way to escape being sucked in by a black hole is to travel faster than the speed of its gravitational pull so faster than the speed of light which is something we're not even close to being able to do our solar system has been doing fine for four-and-a-half billion years which suggests that we've never come into contact with a black hole yet.

so we probably shouldn't even worry about it too much that being said there could be a risk of black hole danger on earth it's scientists have created something called a Large Hadron Collider this smashes particles together and is thought to be able to create a black hole this Collider costs billions of dollars and is designed to help us understand particle physics and the origins of the universe but it could be powerful enough to generate a miniature black hole on that Moment.

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